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Joshua Alexander Maynard - Online Memorial Website

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Joshua Maynard
Born in Idaho
7 years
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When somebody you lose becomes a memory... that memory becomes a treasure

Joshua Maynard was born on Febuary 17, 2005 to Greg and Nikki Maynard. He had one sister, Lindsay, and one living brother, Gregory. Joshua was born with a rare syndrom called goldenhar. He did not let this impact his life. He believed he could do anything that came across. Joshua knew nothing of hate, he loved everybody. Everybody who got to know him fell in love. He was such a wonderful little boy with a fire in his eye. He never went anywhere without a smile. He wanted to grow up and be a school bus driver. He had a love for keys and cell phones and his neighbors. Joshua returned home to his heavenly father on January 17, 2013. He is missed dearly.
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